Ursus Real Estate Management AS
Haakon VIIs gate 5,
0161 Oslo, Norway
Ursus Real Estate Management AS
Regeringsgatan 38,
111 56 Stockholm, Sweden


Ursus Real Estate Management (“UREM”) recognizes its ability and responsibility to have a positive impact through active investment decisions made on behalf of its managed funds.UREM will seek to act in accordance with its ESG policy and shall use reasonable endeavors to consider the six Principles for Responsible Investment as set out by UNPRI when managing its funds.

UREM intends to target Article 8 Fund classification for all Funds, as defined by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) issued by the European Supervisory Authorities (“ESA”)
An Article 8 Fund under SFDR is defined as “a Fund which promotes, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics, provided that the companies in which the investments are made follow good governance practices.

Investment Level
UREM focuses on developing a strong understanding of both risks and opportunities stemming from ESG-related issues. By investing in tangible improvements in managed assets and by establishing strong processes and guidelines for every stage of the investment process, we create value for our investors, our tenants, and for society as a whole.
Manager Level
UREM is focused on being a responsible manager end employer, and strives to ensure that our internal policies, remuneration practices and incentive schemes create alignment with the funds' broader objectives. Agreements with external providers need to contain defined, measurable and reportable targets, and clear alignment of interests.